
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

from 5:30am Sat, 12 Dec 2020
to 6:30am Wed, 17 May 2028

by manto bando
Posted: over 3 years ago
Updated: over 3 years ago by manto bando
Visible to: public

Time zone: American Samoa
Reminder: None
Ends: 6:30am Wednesday 17 May 2028 (duration is over 7 years)

Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation in a woman of reproductive age with a history of regular cycles is highly suggestive of pregnancy and must be confirmed with a test that measures the beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin with adequate sensitivity, that is, preferably in blood. although it can also be done in urine.
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When chorionic gonadotropin levels exceed 1500 units, vaginal ultrasound can visualize the gestational sac. Here the most important thing is to determine if it is one or two and if it is placed inside or outside the uterus. At a next appointment, a week or two later, it will be checked if an embryo has developed and it has a heartbeat. There are pregnancies (anembryonic) that are destined to be aborted because an embryo does not develop inside and even then there is no menstruation and the pregnancy test is positive.

Nausea accompanied or not by vomiting are other frequent symptoms in pregnant women, they appear preferably before breakfast. They yield easily with simple measures and generally disappear after the first three months of pregnancy. When the vomiting pattern is excessive and uncontrollable, pregnancy complications such as molar pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, etc. should be ruled out.

Fatigue and drowsiness are frequent data at the beginning of pregnancy, but in an exaggerated way they require ruling out other pathologies such as anemia or hypothyroidism.
Pollakiuria, that is, urinating more frequently , sometimes at night or nocturia, is another of the frequent symptoms. When it is severe, it is necessary to verify that it is not a urinary infection or cystitis of different etiologies. Also investigate if they are not taking diuretic drinks or foods that favor a greater elimination of liquids.

Changes in character, due to the hormonal effect, small changes in character such as a tendency to depression, anxiety and anguish can be explained. All this depends on multiple factors such as: desired pregnancy or not, history of psychological ailments, marital and family environment, fear of pregnancy or childbirth, etc. In some cases, consultation with mental health professionals is advisable.

Changes in the breasts From the beginning of pregnancy, breast engorgement is common, with greater visibility of the venous network, appearance of dermal prominences in the areola, which tends to become darker.

Other signs of pregnancy are skin changes that tend to manifest as dark spots (chloasma) that cover the forehead, nose and cheekbones; appearance of a dark line below the navel. These changes are most evident in the first pregnancy.

Enlargement of the abdomen. Uterine growth is evident until the third month of pregnancy, and when it occurs before this time, bowel, bladder (bladder) or multiple pregnancy must be ruled out. In addition to the growth of the uterus, the gynecologist is able to notice changes in the consistency of the uterus. Ultrasound can easily detect the cause of abdominal growth.

Identification of the embryo or fetus, as well as fetal heartbeat and movements, can be identified with ultrasound very early in pregnancy. These are definitive signs of pregnancy, while the other symptoms and signs are presumptive, that is, of probable pregnancy, which must be confirmed with ultrasound.

Later in pregnancy by palpation you can determine how the fetus is accommodated, its growth, the fetal heartbeat. Even so, the ultrasound helps determine the amount of amniotic fluid, the characteristics of the placenta, as well as abnormalities in the baby. With high definition ultrasounds, alterations in uterine growth can be detected, probabilities of developing hypertensive diseases in pregnancy, or preterm delivery.

In general, we could say that in the first three months the symptoms of pregnancy are more pronounced, while the signs of it are hardly noticeable , unless it is investigated with ultrasound. This, from a finalist point of view, helps women remember that they are pregnant and take care of themselves. In the following three months the symptoms tend to disappear but abdominal growth requires a change of clothes and it is easier to remember that you are pregnant, it is the trimester where you can travel with the least probability of complications. At the end of pregnancy, different symptoms such as a feeling of abdominal heaviness, pain in the back, mild swelling require more rest, which reduces the probability of preterm delivery.

Symptoms in pregnancy are normal and serve as a reminder that you are carrying a valuable product inside and that a little more care is required. Don’t overdo the use of symptomatic medications and pretend to feel like you’re not pregnant. The signs in pregnancy allow the patient to detect by her doctor if the growth is adequate, if there are no associated problems and if the chances of gestational hypertension or preterm delivery are not increased.

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